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All donations big or small are gratefully received for this project. 


Bank Deposit: 

Name: End Trachoma by 2020

Bank: NAB

BSB:   083-170

Account No.: 245639179

Ref: Your full name

Please email with your details and donation amount to receive your tax deductible receipt. Anything over $2 is fully tax deductible.  

Cheque made out to 'End Trachoma by 2020' and sent to

PO Box 3047

South Melbourne 3205

PayPal - Click on the link to make a credit card donation on our PayPal giving fund page:

EndTrachoma Used Stamps 2023 $52172 16.07.2023.png


Rotarian Camille Rogers is kindly continuing the work of Carrol Farmer in Philatelic Garbology to EndTrachoma. Send your used stamps to Camille!

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To our directors, Rotarians Robert McGuirk, Kerry Kornhauser OAM and Murray Verso. Without their vision, dedication and tireless contributions, this project would not exist.

Special thanks to our incredible team of District Champions (see our Contact page) for their passion in raising awareness about the project, dedication to improving the lives of remote Indigenous Australians, and drive to make the end of trachoma a reality in Australia.

To Rotary Melbourne, for seeing the great potential in this project, funding the preliminary investigations and supporting the development of EndTrachoma by 2020.

To Prof. Hugh Taylor (IEH), Dr. Anthony Solomon (WHO), Prof. Kerry Arabena (IHEU), Gwen Troutman-Weir (ATA) and Grant Kerwood for your constant support and input, including with Trachoma Live, our series to inform the world about Indigenous Wellbeing and trachoma in Australia.

To Bunnings nationally, for your commitment to community development and cohesion in Australia.

To for your commitment to creating the most appropriate product.

To 3M, for your assistance in providing the necessary resources from your inventory of very useful products.

To our partners on the ground, thank you for allowing us in, to listen and understand some of the issues faced by communities, and then accepting our support.  Our project may finish at the end of 2020, but our vision is that Rotary remains as a friend and supporter of Indigenous peoples in Australia.

Last but not least, to Rotary in Australia and all our supporters, individuals, clubs, governors, corporations, government and non-government organisations... everyone who has in your own way, contributed to this project, whether it has been through facilitating our Zoom meetings, putting us in touch with your networks, collected stamps, raised awareness, funds raised or donated.  Every bit of your support has gone and will go a long way.

Drinkwine Endtrachoma

Can we make it any easier for you? Purchase your next drink, gift, raffle prize or event beverages at The Wateryard and help us EndTrachoma by 2020.


EndTrachoma was an initiative started by Rotary Melbourne and progressed to be a project led by Nourish our Communities Ltd which enabled EndTrachoma to be a Rotary Districts of Australia project.


Nourish Our Communities Ltd is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission ABN 67601005832.


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